Skip to Videos All | Interviews | Sermons | Sermons, PT 1 | Arise and Go Forward | FORWARD | James E. Ward Jr. | INSIGHT Church Sermons, Walking in the Kingdom Purposes of God | James E. Ward Jr. | INSIGHT Church Sermons, Pastors James and Sharon Pray for President Trump in Kenosha Sermons, Representing Christ | Embracing the Zero Victim Mind of Christ in a Culture of Victimization Sermons, Beware of False Prophets, Spiritual Abuse, and Heresy Sermons, On Earth As It Is In Heaven | MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE | James E. Ward Jr. Sermons, My ZERO VICTIM Vision for Black Americans | James E. Ward Jr. Sermons, Dr. King's Dream and Our Vision | NATIONAL PRAYER ALTAR at MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE | James E. Ward Jr. Sermons, Why I Cannot Support Abortion